Friday, August 25, 2017

More Matsuris!! (8/7/17)

This week has been a blast!!! SO MUCH happened this week so I will try to write what I can.

Monday: It was raining so we walked around for 3 hours for dendo. It also turned out that one of our best investigators just up and moved away on us .   :(

Tue: We made crepes at an investigators house. It was a ton of fun and we totally messed up at the start. I have vids! We also had Eikaiwa (English class) which went really well. Though we had to do it upstairs because they were preparing for a funeral where we usually do Eikaiwa.

Wed: I was on splits in the Higashi area! It was super rad. We went to a bunch of members houses and gave short lessons on our area plan. We also tried to visit some other people but no one else was home. Me and Elder Yamazaki also had ramen for dinner and I had some weird spicy Chinese ramen. Completely forgot the name of the ramen but it was delicious.

Thursday: We had our normal weekly planning and such but a miracle happened after! The family that we usually do English and missionary lessons fed us. And not just any normal food, they fed us COSTCO PIZZA!!!!!! It was the first real pizza I have had since being in Japan. They were shocked by how large it was but it was a normal American L size. With the 10 of us we only ate a little under a pizza and a half. I have come to realize just how unhealthy American diets are.

Friday:I cant really remember what happened this day other than Eiken class. Oh, also we made paper hearts to do heart attacks for some members.

Saturday: Went to a matsuri (Japanese festival) this day. It was an absolute blast! We had an investigator introducing us to a ton of people which went super well! We also talked to a bunch of people on our own. Heart attacked an Eikaiwa student for his birthday and danced with all the people at the matsuri. The last one was especially great because it was a dance that really only older people do. Though as we went around in this circle so many teenage girls were going absolutely crazy that we were gaijin doing that dance. I saw at least a hundred different phones taking videos. After that we also got so many thanks from the older people (and a couple of awkward hugs) for dancing with them. I have a ton of videos so here you go!!!

Sunday: We had church, interviews with the mission president and dinner with some members.

Love you all!

Elder Harvey

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